Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 - That's a Wrap

The year, as it tends to always do,time has flown by. Seems amazing how much has changed in a relatively short amount of time.

Things that are awesome
  • My kids are doing wonderfully - in academics through their move up to middle school (the 12 year olds), or in their adult careers (the 24 and almost 23 year old); in adjusting to life with divorced parents, in navigating the tween years and their changing awkward bodies (back to the 12 year olds...I think). So, in general, they are wonderful in life. Status quo is a great thing in this case. I couldn't be more proud or love them more. Yet I know that when tomorrow comes, I will.
  • I am dating a wonderful man. In fact I'm dating him again. I'm keeping all further commentary on that private, but suffice it to say, I'm beyond shocked that we are together and I am very, very happy. 
  • I have a new (ish) job. Same company, but a different position, division, boss, and teammates. All of these facts make me happy and most importantly, make me feel a lot more positive and rewarded about my career and my company. Wow I needed that. 

Things that suck
  • My friend Dan died this year. Of course I've had friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances pass away before, but this one was definitely different. My college friend; someone who was briefly a former boyfriend who happened to by gay - an obvious fact that I choose to ignore at the time because we were having fun. He struggled with this fact, and I believe led significantly to his alcoholism, an addiction that killed him at the too young age of 44. He died alone, broke and broken. I'm so sad, and I think I always will be. Though we didn't see each other enough over the past few years in particular. I will always have guilt for not helping him. I will always miss him. 
  • My ongoing battle of the bulge is, well, ongoing. Last year I ended the year lighter and stronger than this year. The "fat and happy" curse kicked in to some degree. Add on the injuries, complex schedule, and lazy aspects, and you have a perfect combination for lack of success. My clothes from last year still fit...technically...but they are not comfortable. My battle wages on, and I will keep up the fight and aim to win in 2016, but still for now, it sucks. 
So all in all, I'm ending the year feeling like life happened, I survived it and I think survived it well. I'm looking forward to next year, and I'm looking back. largely with a smile on my face. Cheers to you 2015. As for you 2016....bring it.