Friday, March 11, 2016

Facebook Ranting, Chapter Duh

I find myself these days spending less and less time on Facebook. Somewhat just because I'm busy with life, but in many ways quite intentionally. And that intentional avoidance actually makes me sad. It's the one social media venue that I actively embrace, a way to stay connected with friends and loved ones, and a sometimes creative outlet to share life's more interesting moments. But in addition to the usual annoyances (see my first chapter on this subject - Facebook Foolishness....), I find that in this election year my Facebook news feed has been overtaken by friends who choose to use it to rant on politics, politicians, politician wanna-bees, political issues, non-political issues dressing up like political issues, and all things related. For the love of God, please, please stop it. And it's not just because it's annoying (though it is), but because there is seriously no point. Here's why:
  1. You WILL NOT make me think more highly of you if your views happen to align with mine. At best, I'll have an idea of who I can have a like-minded conversation with at some point, though it more than likely won't be a conversation held publicly through Facebook. 
  2. You WILL make me hate you just a little. In fact I've blocked or de-friended quite a few friends because of their posts. And I don't want to do that. If I agreed to connect to you on Facebook, it means I like you and you have a place in heart for some reason. Don't make me regret that decision. If I have to block you, that place in my heart just got a whole lot smaller. And that's just sad. 
  3. You WILL expose a side of you that most people don't care to see. Why? As they say, opinions are like assholes and everybody's got one. Maybe I'm just a more private person, but I prefer to keep my asshole closed in public settings. With every post you make, your friends can see your big brown eye getting bigger and bigger. And yes, no matter how you try and dress it up, what comes out of it fucking stinks.
  4. You MIGHT make yourself look stupid. While I may use this wacky inter-web thing to research these types of subjects, Facebook posts are not a source I consider valid. However, I admit that I have had the rare occasion where a post strikes me (good or bad) enough to want to learn more. Unfortunately, nine times out of ten when I've investigated the information posted by a friend it's fraught with opinion versus fact, or flat out wrong. The later is not only inflammatory, but in many cases dangerous. The result? Now I think you're dumb. Or too lazy to have done your own research before posting. Either way, is that what you want? 
  5. You WILL NOT change my mind about specific politicians, or my views about specific issues. Ever. I mean it. Not even the most brilliantly written, argued, and fact-based post opposing my current views will change my mind. My beliefs are more deep rooted that than, and I hope yours are as well. Otherwise, well, see #4. 
So then here's my question - what's the point of people posting this kind of shit at all? To let everyone know where they stand? To try and start a debate? That's the only rationale I can wrap my head around, and though I guess I get it, it's just not my scene. But if that's what floats your boat, I can't stop you. Unless/until Facebook gets a "hide political posts" setting. OH wouldn't that be awesome?? Mark Zuckerburg...are you listening??? But until that blessed day, in the same way I unplug my phone during election weeks, I'll be unplugging Facebook. 

Blogfully yours, 
Political Anti-social Julie