Thursday, October 20, 2016

Go ahead, blame my vagina

FYI, it is insulting to assume that I’m going to vote for Hillary because I’m a woman. How is that assumption even logical? Because she has a vagina and so do I?  By that logic, I would be voting for the Donald because I have an asshole. Yes, of course I want a woman for president. We are long overdue and I inherently believe that women are smarter, more compassionate, and have a greater ability to develop strong and productive relationships versus men. If that makes me a feminist, then I wear that label with pride. But Hillary being a woman is very much not the reason I am voting for her.

That said…

And I’m going on record with this,

I don’t like Hillary Clinton. I think she’s always been calculating and self-serving and as such, a poor female role model. She, like many, many, MANY politicians before her, has conducted herself in a way that most would not consider to be honest and pure. These factors make me dislike her, personally and professionally. Not that I actually know her or have worked with her, but you get my point. However we don’t have to like the person we vote for, but we do have to make the decision based on qualifications. That’s what you should do when hiring for any job. And for this alone, there is no way I can even consider Donald Trump. 

Trump is not qualified. Not even close. And don’t tell me he’s a highly successful business man. Nope, he’s not. In fact, some of the few successes he’s had have come at the cost of cheating. His business record is actually atrocious. I heard that same rationale about needing a business man in office when George W. Bush was running, and given that his approach plunged us into financial hell, that argument doesn’t hold water for me. The person running our country should be a demonstrated leader, someone who understands the political system – for better or for worse, and the policies and procedures that are in place. If he or she is seeking to improve them through wholesale change – great! But you have to understand how something works before that change can happen.  Therefore the amount of experience matters. It matter a lot. He is, quite simply, unqualified. And that fact alone should matter the most.


This time is different

This time, quality trumps quantity.

Pun very intended.

I’ve already said I don’t like Hillary. But the thing is, I abhor Donald Trump. I believe he is pure evil - a narcissist at the very least, he is a PROVEN racist, liar, bully, criminal, and of course, a huge sexist misogynist. The evidence to these characteristics is overwhelming, and these facts make him unfit to hold the most respected office in our country. He’s not saying what everyone else is afraid to say, he’s saying things that he very obviously believes, and which demonstrate that he is an awful person. Some people are attracted to others that are willing to go against the norm. I get that.  But if he’s saying what is on your mind, representing what you think, then make no mistake, you should be taking a long, scrutinizing look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see?  And even if you don’t feel he represents who you actually are, please know that just your endorsement of him speaks a different story about you. For example...

...a person may not consider themselves as a racist, but their support of Trump says that racism isn’t a deal-breaker, which ipso facto declares them a racist.  

Do people not get that?

Racism is not ok. Not. At. All.  Nor is mocking or degrading anyone because of gender, physical appearance, or disability. We don’t tolerate bullying when it comes to our children, so then why would it be ok in the person we want to lead our country? This would essentially give everyone permission to be awful. That is a dark and frightening thought.

If this thought and his character aren't enough to dissuade people from voting for him, then the hate in this country is at a level that appalls me.  Is this the America we are or want to show the world? If so, it’s not a country that holds the same values as I do, and that makes me really, really sad. This has been the most upsetting, embarrassing, disgraceful excuse of a presidential election I have ever seen, and one that I hope I or my children will never have to witness again. I think it’s safe to say that both of these candidates have engaged in behavior that is less than presidential. The question for this election is who is most qualified, in both resume and character. It’s Clinton. It HAS to be her.

But let’s get back to my vagina. There is no way my vagina could even consider voting for him. Nor my brain, or my heart. But my vagina seems to be what everyone cares about, (I’m flattered), and my vagina - which has been part of this hard-working full time bread-winning professional who multitasks better than any man I know for almost 46 years - is beyond offended by how Donald treats women, and is flat out tired of scumbags like Donald treating women like shit and not providing the same level of opportunities just because we have said vagina! It's not because she's a woman, it's because of who he is. So if it makes you feel better, go ahead, blame my vagina for my decision to vote for Hillary Clinton. Just please, please, please…don’t vote for the dick.

Blogfully yours,


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