Friday, March 20, 2015

Words To Hate And Why

For some unknown reason the subject of words that people hate has been a common discussion lately from a variety of friends. I started a list, both of my own contribution and from others, mostly because I wanted to analyze the why behind the hate. In some cases, it was clear. In others, not so much. I was originally going to post this out to my Facebook circle for assistance, but decided against it. Mostly because there may be ones on here that people I know use regularly and I wouldn't want to offend them. HA, yeah right, I almost believed that. Truth is I just want to be able to solve this mystery my own damn self and being able to edit this post as I do.

So, here's my starter list, with rationale and/or commentary. Or is it my complete list? You'll never know...

Moist - By far, this is the most hated of the hated words. I've seen not one but several articles written on the subject, and the bottom line is that the words conjures up the feel, sound, and in some cases smell, of several of life unpleasantries. Frankly, this word is only acceptable when talking about cake, and even then it’s borderline gross.
Damp - See above, though never should be used in reference to food.
Puke - Makes a person look and sound not just disgusted, but angrily so when they say it. The sound too, is too close the sound made during the actual act. 
Supper - Do you live in the big woods of Minnesota in the 1880’s? Or in the deep south next to Honey BooBoo? No? Then call it dinner.
Turgid - Know it? You’ve just outted yourself as a reader of Harlequin Romance Novels. So I'm told. No I seriously haven't! Ok, moving on...
Flaccid - Hmmm…if this is part of your vernacular, well, I’m sorry to hear….
Pimple - The immediate image of a red inflamed mountain in desperate need of exploding combined with the scare of pubescent anxiety of having too many of these thing makes this a no go. Ironic though, because I love to pop them. Used to chase my sister around the house so that I could pop hers. (Have I completely grossed you out yet? Think I'm totally disgusting. Trust me, I'm scratching the surface.)
Dump - Obviously, this word is slang for pooping. That in and of itself ruins it for all other, legitimate meanings. Way to go slang world. Now when "dump" is used to describe a place where garbage or junk goes to die, or the act of getting rid of something undesirable, people automatically think of taking a shit.
Ointment - The image is conjures up is that of a wet, slimy product. One that is...what's the word I'm looking for? Oh, yeah - moist. 'Nuff said.
Panties - I'm stumped as to the rationale on this one, truly. All I know is that I feel a little creepy when I say it. For the most part, I just stick to talking about my underwear and keep the child molester word out of it.

More? I know there are. But for now, I'll call it a night.

Blogfully yours,

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