Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What’s in a name?

For years. (and years and years and YEARS) I have wanted to start some kind of writing project that was consistent and meaningful to me. A blog has always seemed like the way to go, but who has the time? And really, who cares to read it except me? I technically did start one a few years ago, after returning from a vacation from which I had way too much commentary for Facebook. So I quickly set one up and wrote my little passage. And then....nothing. As the saying goes, that was all she (I) wrote. FYI, it's here if ever the mood strikes to read my one and only post from this first blogging attempt:

But now I need to get serious about blogging. No I mean it this time, really! I think. Well at least I'm going to try. This latest attempt was born just a few days ago when I signed up for a new years challenge - RunAndWrite31. For 31 days you run and write - any length for both tasks - to exercise your body and your mind in a more consistent manner. As it goes with most New Year's promises, it's not been the most perfect start. I ran for the first 5 days in a row, and by day 6, yesterday, I was limping so badly the doctor at my company's health center thought I had a stress fracture. Half a day of missed work and an x-ray later, I'm happy to report that there is no broken bone. But it is confirmation that I can't run more than every other day or my already bad foot will just get worse. (Someday I'll get that surgery to fix it, but today is not that day). 

As for my writing, that's been even tougher. I've written almost every day, but not consistently, and not centralized. I mean really not centralized - some online, some as emails drafts, some on one computer, some on another. So being able to keep it in one place, but accessible no matter where I am or what device I'm using, is essential for me so that I can stay on track. As such, it made sense that I started out on challenge day one by creating another blog. The problem is I didn't like it. Not the writing part, but - and I admit this is may be dumb - the name. I went to a different site than this one to create it, but kept the same blog name I had used before, Julie's Jabber, which as a blog name just doesn't connect with me. First, using my actual name in the title bothers me, like I'm putting too much of myself out there. I'm sure my writing itself will take care of that, but still, it feels too personal to have it as part of the URL. Second, the word "jabber" is not one I would normally use. It feels old fashioned and is just not something that would come out of my mouth. I was going for alliteration by using it, but it falls flat in evoking a connection to what I want my writing to represent. And now the blog name was bugging me to the point of distraction, so much so that I was finding myself in a writers block because of it. Telling myself to get over it wasn't working. I needed to get through this stupid barrier. Attacking it head on had to be the answer.

Like I do often when I write, I starting jotting words that had meaning to me, connected with me, that I wanted to be associated with, that might strike a cord with others, or that I thought I should be using. And again, nothing. I was forcing it. And then I considered another aspect - my block might be more because I was afraid of making my writing public, too. A lot of what I write is just for me, highly personal, largely therapeutic, and in some cases, needs to be safeguarded to protect both the innocent and the guilty. But I did want a place that I could potentially, someday, share with you (whoever YOU are). My friends seem to like my Facebook posts, so maybe an expanded version of these life observations or rants might be of interest or even enjoyable to people besides myself. So then, did I need two blogs? One blog that is YOURS, for you and the world to see, brought to you most humbly by me. And separately, sshhhh, one that's just MINE, too. Could I do that? Yes! Duh, of course! And with that, the very second I let myself accept that simple approach, the name BlogfullyYours popped into my head and immediately felt right. Or should I say it felt "write" instead? ;)

And so is the story of how this blog was born and aptly named. If you so choose, this could be a place from which you learn a bit more about me and my life, or get a different perspective by understanding how I see things, or simply to just enjoy. I do hope you laugh from it once in a while though, because laughter is at my core what I love the most and what I love most to evoke in people. That doesn’t mean I won’t post writings here that will be personal, or occasionally emotional, or perhaps that might even offend someone (apologies in advance for that one, by the way). But no matter what, my selfish desire is that I'll continue to use this outlet to get out what's in my head, a venue for what little creativity I've got left, and that you enjoy seeing what I come up with along the way. It may be a lot of rambling, I do that sometimes. But I promise I'll try to make at least some of what I post entertaining. Welcome! 

Blogfully Yours, 
Julie :)

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